The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance, Restore Center, and Mobilize Center are now accepting applications for a three-day, project-based workshop on the Stanford University campus. This workshop will take place March 11-13, 2024 and is intended for researchers who are advanced users of our software tools, including OpenSim, OpenSim Moco, OpenSense, Sit2Stand, and OpenCap. Advanced users include those who are applying these tools to new use cases or developing new pipelines, models, or algorithms. Researchers will work with our staff to advance the goals of their specific research projects. We highly encourage collaborators to participate in the workshop as a team. Applications are due December 15, 2023.
Events News
Workshop at RehabWeek 2025 on Tools for Large-Scale Biomechanics Studies
Members of the Restore and Mobilize Centers will be leading a workshop entitled “OpenCap and AddBiomechanics: Tools for Large-Scale Biomechanics Studies” focused on two tools: OpenCap – software for measuring human movement using smartphone videos Read more…