Workshop at RehabWeek 2025 on Tools for Large-Scale Biomechanics Studies

Members of the Restore and Mobilize Centers will be leading a workshop entitled “OpenCap and AddBiomechanics: Tools for Large-Scale Biomechanics Studies” focused on two tools: OpenCap – software for measuring human movement using smartphone videos AddBiomechanics – cloud-based software for computing inverse kinematics and dynamics from marker-based motion capture data  Read more…

OpenSim Workshop at the International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 

Receive guidance from the Restore and Mobilize Centers at an upcoming workshop entitled “OpenSim: Tools for rapid, large-scale musculoskeletal simulations.” In this workshop, we will present how our ecosystem of OpenSim tools for rapidly creating simulations, including from smartphone videos using OpenCap, and new features we’ve added to our Python and Jupyter notebook interfaces Read more…

Advancing the Biomechanical Understanding of Cycling through Simulation

Musculoskeletal simulations have enabled researchers to gain insight into tasks like walking and running, but similar pipelines for cycling do not exist. Caitlin Clancy and a team of Mobilize Center researchers at Stanford University have addressed that gap–they developed a muscle-driven simulation pipeline for cycling and explored different optimization objectives. Read more…

OpenSim+ Advanced User Workshop at Stanford University

The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance, Restore Center, and Mobilize Center are now accepting applications for a three-day, project-based workshop on the Stanford University campus. This workshop will take place March 11-13, 2024 and is intended for researchers who are advanced users of our software tools, including OpenSim, OpenSim Moco, OpenSense, Sit2Stand, and OpenCap. Advanced users include those who are applying Read more…